Cat Stats
5: number of packets of cat food involved in the Menu Foods recall that the kits ate last month
1.5: number of hours it took to get a vet appointment for the kits last Tuesday
24: number of hours Gatwick "The Steel Bladder" Catwick held off peeing because he didn't like the idea of using an empty litter box
10: number of minutes it took the kits to pee after I put some shredded glossy newspaper inserts in their litterless litter boxes
36: total number of hours it took to get those two urine samples
12: approximate number of times I marveled at how obsessed I'd become with cat pee
7: number of trips to the vet in last 10 days
5: number of times each kit needs to receive subcutaneous fluids via IV
2: number of times I jabbed Cheska in a supervised attempt to administer said fluids
5: number of minutes it took to agree that I'd rather drive to the vet's office every other day rather than play Nurse McGuiggan at home
3: number of bite and scratch wounds my hands have suffered at the teeth and claws of scared little kits who only wanted to get away from the poking and prodding
1: number of additional vet trips required by end of the week
16 and 14: total number of days that I have to force feed tuna-flavored liquid antibiotics to Gatwick and Cheska, respectively (their response: "Tuna? You're not foolin' me, lady!")
Welcome to my reality, people.
Reader Comments (1)
Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that you can get those lovely kitchen aid bowls at Target. I recently purchased a set. Seattle is definitely a fun city.
Also sorry to hear you had to go through so much with your kitties. We had to get my dogs tested and I was so nervous for them all day.