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Giveaway Winner & A Sneak Peek

in the pub, Manhattan (Diana F+)

Thanks to everyone who asked a writing question during the last two weeks. I'll be answering some of them in the coming months. The winner of the Lanterns giveaway, as determined by Random.org, is Sandra, who asked:

What in you is ready, or even dying, to be born?

What a big, juicy question!

I wish we could all sit down for coffee and discuss this one for hours, each of us sharing our creative dreams and encouraging one another to make them happen.

I've been working on a project behind the scenes here in The Word Cellar for at least nine months now. (I recognize the significance of this time frame within the context of the question of "what is ready to be born"!) I've started and stalled on it, fretted over it, despaired of ever completing it.

But then something clicked during the last few weeks and I'm nearly ready to announce it. This creative baby is definitely ready to be born.

I know I'm being a tease, but you'll just have to check back later this week to find out what it is.

Here's a hint: It will be a magical alchemy of writing and community, and you'll be invited to be part of it.

I'd love to know what's ready to be born in you. Please share in the comments if you'd like.

**  **  **

I'll be speaking at the BlogHer Conference in New York City this coming weekend. Let me know if you'll be there, or if you have questions you'd like me to cover during our panel discussion, How to Use Blogging to Make You a Better Writer. I'm excited to meet my fellow panelists (Dianne Jacob, Mary McCarthy, and Suzanne Reisman) and look forward to meeting some of you there, as well.

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