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Emerge: a new online course

viv, liz, & me; cannon beach, oregon; february 2011 (photo by kate inglis)

It's time to start working my way through the list of stories I mentioned in the last post, and I thought I'd start with the most timely.

I'm excited to tell you about Emerge, the premier online course from Live it to the Full (LTTF). Do you know LTTF? Here's the scoop on this great new project:

Live it to the Full is a place of refuge for people seeking a new way of processing through a transitional period in their life. Our mission is to foster new ways of looking at age old dilemmas through art, photography and storytelling. We seek to provide quality material and qualified instructors at an affordable price and an accessible portal.

This August I'll be teaching alongside the lovely Liz Lamoreux and the vivacious Vivienne McMaster. I'm so happy about this, because not only are they two of my closest friends, they're also women whom I admire tremendously both for who they are and for the work they do.

For four weeks this summer, we'll play with words, photography, mindfulness practices, and other creative goodies to explore how we weather and emerge from transitions.

Here's the full course description:

How do we emerge from life's transitions and become more fully ourselves? Is it possible to be cracked open and made whole at the same time? Some transitions are big and bold life events, while others happen in the quiet moments of daily life. But each has the power to shape us and how we live in the world.

Come along as we share our personal stories of transition and provide you with creative tools to use as you face your own seasons of change. Through writing, photography, and mindfulness practices, we’ll explore the ebb and flow of happiness, the unique power of telling your story, and the beautiful yet precarious process of learning to trust yourself. See what happens when you allow your true self to emerge through creativity.


Registration for Emerge is now open, and get this: It's only $49! Pretty sweet, right?

This experience will be full of juicy, bite-sized pieces to help you through whatever kind of transition (huge or tiny) that you're facing.

Viv, Liz, and I would love to see you there.


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