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For the beauty of words

blue toenails, white flowers, green grass; culver, indiana, may 2011

I've been rolling around in language lately, preparing the final draft of my lecture and my creative thesis. Graduation for my MFA program is coming fast, and I'm squeezing in as much extra writing and editing as I can before the final deadlines. I miss this space and all of you, and I look forward to sharing more stories soon. In the meantime, here's a delicious morsel of language that I keep reading because it tastes so good. (Read it out loud. It's yummy.)

Barefooted on the slick brick walk I rushed to where I could breathe in the cool breath from the interior of the springhouse. On a cold, bubbling spring, covered dishes and crocks and pitchers of butter and milk and so on floated in a circle in the mild whirlpool, like horses on a merry-go-round in the water that smelled of the mint that grew close by. ~ Eudora Welty, One Writer's Beginnings

Have any juicy bits of language to share?

Reader Comments (2)

"But if I can bear the nights, the days are a pleasure. I walk out; I see something, some event that would otherwise have been utterly missed and lost; or something sees me, some enormous power brushes me with its clean wing, and I resound like a beaten bell." Annie Dillard (of course) Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
June 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjamye
Your toenails look like little bluebird eggs :)
June 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJena

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