In the Thick of It
You forgot to pick up the book at the library, the one with the four-month wait list. They waited five days and then moved on to the next person.
You didn't get enough sleep last night. Today you drank a coffee at breakfast, and then a double iced soy latté after lunch.
You finally have one central "to do" list, and it's keeping you organized. You add three new items for every one that you cross off.
As long as you look only at the computer screen in front of you, you can believe that your desk and studio are clean.
Last night you were full of creative zeal and project plans. Today your mojo fizzled before you even started.
You reorganized your closet a few months ago -- a major accomplishment. Right this minute a good chunk of your wardrobe sits wrinkling in clothes baskets.
You keep losing and gaining the same four pounds, when you have ten times that much to shed.
And yet --
Today the sky was blue.
Today you had breakfast and dinner with the person you love most in the world.
Today you read a few chapters in a favorite childhood book.
Today your mother called just to see how you are.
Today you curled up with two grey cats, their fur soft against the pale inside of your arm.
Today you had clean running water, electricity, a fast Interent connection, comfortable clothes, abundant food, a nice glass of red wine, the sound of people laughing, health in body, strength of mind, kindness of spirit.
So I say this:
So what the piles of papers, the never-ending list that comes with living?
So what the dust bunnies of cat fur even though you've just vacuumed?
So what the hurry, the rush, the go?
So what the wrinkles and the extra pounds?
So what the yawns?
So what the forgetfulness and the falling behind?
So what it all?
This is all there is.
I don't mean that we're left wishing for me.
I mean this -- Listen: This is all there is.
All that there is, is here. Everything at once. It's ours.
The grit and the shine of it. The thick and the thin of it.
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