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::By Post::

liz and me, fort worden, washington (photo by liz)

Thanks to everyone who attended my Writing Lab panel at BlogHer. It was a treat to talk with some of you afterwards and to meet other lovely folks in the halls and elevators. If we didn't get a chance to connect, you can always email me or leave a comment.

I'm sitting at JFK, waiting for my flight out of New York. But I'm not headed back to Pennsylvania. I'm flying to Nantucket to visit a new friend, soak up the sea, and do some writing.

I met this new friend last spring when I was visiting my pal Liz in the Pacific Northwest. When she (the new friend) heard that I'm working on a book about seascapes, she invited me to visit Nantucket and experience the coastline 30 miles out to sea.

Meanwhile, my pal Liz is going to be on the Oregon coast this week, the exact days that I'll be on the Atlantic. It seemed too serendipitous not to come up with a project. (If you spend any sort of time with Liz, you will learn she is all about the collaborative projects.) (She helped me to dream up Lanterns and was one of the contributors.)

So this week, inspired by an exercise in Liz's new book, we plan to send (virtual) postcards of poetry to one another from coast to coast (by way of our blogs).

I hope you will come along and see what adventures unfold for each of us on our travels by the sea....


Introducing Online Writing Courses for Creative Souls

Remember on Monday when I promised to unveil a new project this week? Here it is! I'm giddy to announce the first In The Word Cellar course, Alchemy: The Art & Craft of Writing. This online writing course for creative souls will start in the fall. Please check it out and sign up to receive more information when the course schedule and registration are available.

Right now I'm sitting in my room at the Hilton New York, about to head down to the BlogHer speaker training session in a bit. But I couldn't wait to tell you about my new course! I'll share more, including the stories behind why I developed it, in the coming weeks. But for now, I leave you with the course description over here.

I hope to see some of you at BlogHer this weekend (maybe in my writing lab panel?), and I can't wait to have you join me this fall In The Word Cellar for Alchemy: The Art & Craft of Writing.


Giveaway Winner & A Sneak Peek

in the pub, Manhattan (Diana F+)

Thanks to everyone who asked a writing question during the last two weeks. I'll be answering some of them in the coming months. The winner of the Lanterns giveaway, as determined by Random.org, is Sandra, who asked:

What in you is ready, or even dying, to be born?

What a big, juicy question!

I wish we could all sit down for coffee and discuss this one for hours, each of us sharing our creative dreams and encouraging one another to make them happen.

I've been working on a project behind the scenes here in The Word Cellar for at least nine months now. (I recognize the significance of this time frame within the context of the question of "what is ready to be born"!) I've started and stalled on it, fretted over it, despaired of ever completing it.

But then something clicked during the last few weeks and I'm nearly ready to announce it. This creative baby is definitely ready to be born.

I know I'm being a tease, but you'll just have to check back later this week to find out what it is.

Here's a hint: It will be a magical alchemy of writing and community, and you'll be invited to be part of it.

I'd love to know what's ready to be born in you. Please share in the comments if you'd like.

**  **  **

I'll be speaking at the BlogHer Conference in New York City this coming weekend. Let me know if you'll be there, or if you have questions you'd like me to cover during our panel discussion, How to Use Blogging to Make You a Better Writer. I'm excited to meet my fellow panelists (Dianne Jacob, Mary McCarthy, and Suzanne Reisman) and look forward to meeting some of you there, as well.


Tips on Inspiration (In The Word Cellar)

at the bottom of my yard (Diana F+, Kodak 400VC-3)

Thanks to everyone who's asked a writing question so far. Remember: Ask a question by the end of July to be entered to win a copy of Lanterns: A Gathering of Stories. Just leave a comment on this post or email me: jennifer{at}thewordcellar{dot}com. I'll choose the winner randomly, and there's no limit on the number of questions you can ask.

This week's topic comes from Dani who asked, "How do you stay inspired? How do you write when you're not?"

Inspiration is the creative ingredient with that je ne s'ais quoi quality. It comes. It goes. It's one fickle little imp. So I don't exactly know how to stay inspired; it's like catching the Tooth Fairy in action. Some days I feel it, some days I don't. But I'm practicing being committed to and enthusiastic about my creative work even when my mojo feels flat. I do know that these things usually help me to feel inspired:

  • getting out into the world instead of being a hermit;
  • having good conversations with people I love;
  • making tangible things such as paintings, photographs, or yummy meals; and
  • reading good books, listening to good music, and watching good movies.

But there are still plenty of days when everything I try to write bores me. This is when I remind myself to keep doing the work no matter how enthusiastic or inspired I might feel. Back in March I wrote a post called "How to Keep Creating" for this column. That list was all about approaching your creative work with kindness and a sense of honor of getting to do the work, while acknowledging the hard parts of creating. It's a rather philosophical post, albeit with a few handy tactics like, "When you look at the blank page and panic, type the first ten words that come to mind, no matter what they are. Then type ten more."

But what else can we do to approximate inspiration? Where are the practical tips, dammit?! (This is totally the voice inside my head. Not question-asker Dani's voice.)

Here are a three ideas.

1. Emulation (a.k.a. imitation)

Reading works you love can help to fuel your own writing. For one thing, it immerses your mind in the world of words and ideas, which can spark your own creativity. When I read a piece of writing that makes me think, "I wish I could write like that," I try to figure out why I love it and what the writer did to make it so wonderful.

And sometimes, I copy out a passage that I like and then imitate it as an exercise. I follow the general pattern set by the original author, substituting my own topic and words. This is a fun way to feel how the author has structured her sentences, how the language and rhythm work, how the theme stays focused or jumps around.

But, this practice method borders on unfair use and plagiarism, so I don't advocate using it for something you plan to publish as your own. As I said, consider this an exercise. In the end, you may find snippets of what you've written that you can use in another way. And if you do want to publish something that you've written in this way, be sure to credit the original author and her work. But again, I think you should treat this as a private exercise.

Here's an example so you can see how this works.

2. To Prompt or Not To Prompt?

I have mixed feelings about writing prompts. On one hand, I agree with poet Mary Ruefle (who is one of my MFA faculty members) who says that we don't need prompts devised by someone else. "The world is your prompt!" she said during a recent workshop. On the other hand, I think they can come in handy when you're really feeling stuck. After Mary declared prompts unnecessary, she then caved in and offered us this prompt, which she credited to fellow VCFA faculty member and poet Ralph Angel:

Walk in any direction for five to seven minutes. (You can do this outside or you can roam around inside a building.) Stop. Notice what surrounds you and write about it for the same length of time that you walked. Put your notes away. The next day, look at what you wrote and circle where the language is hot, where something interesting is happening. Put just those circled words on another piece of paper and use your own language as a writing prompt.

I think of this as the prompt of all prompts, like a meta-prompt. You create your own prompt organically. It's really just a formal method for drawing inspiration from the world around you.

3. Make Lists, Make Leaps

Not knowing what to write about is one thing. Prompts and emulation can help with that. But not knowing how to continue with a specific piece of writing is something else entirely. This is when I brainstorm and freewrite. For example, I'm writing an essay about whales right now. I know the essay isn't done, but I haven't figured out where it wants to go next. So I started a list of everything I could think of about whales. (A sampling: Jonah and Whale, Pinocchio, cultures that eat raw blubber.) I see if anything on the list sparks a thought-trail.

I also try freewriting on the topic, which is just me writing furiously, with no regard to coherency, grammar, spelling, or structure. I go as fast as I can and make any leap that comes to mind, no matter how crazy it is, just to see where it takes me. Essentially, I'm trying to trick myself into finding inspiration. I get stuck fairly often, so I use this technique a lot. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but eventually I find the thread and can move forward.

What are your tips for staying inspired? How do you find it when it's missing in action? Is inspiration overrated or is it essential? Leave your thoughts (and writing questions) in the comments.

In The Word Cellar runs on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Read other posts in the series here.


One Story, Two Ways

Brooklyn brownstone lamppost (Diana F+, Kodak 400VC-3)

I like to think that every lamppost has a story. This one has a warm, brown vibe here, but the same image also has a blue, melancholy side, too. (same photo negative + same scanner + same settings = totally different story.) (I don't really know why.) (Hmm...what would it look like to try the same idea in your writing? Write one story with two different emotions....)

*  *  *

Don't forget: Ask me a writing question by the end of July to be entered to win a copy of Lanterns: A Gathering of Stories. Email questions to jennifer{at}thewordcellar{dot}com or leave them in the comments here or on any of these blog posts about writing. (There will be a new writing post up this Wednesday.)

If you'll be at BlogHer next month, be sure to let me know so we can meet and greet one another in proper bloggy style. (Which consists mostly of giggling and maybe hugging and chatting about anything and everything.) Let me know now what you'd like me to cover in my BlogHer Writing Lab session, "How to Use Your Blogging to Make You a Better Writer."