Stories Make Us More Alive
I'm traveling home this weekend, making the longish flight from Seattle to Pittsburgh. I'm filled to the brim with excitement, inspiration, and stories -- oh so many wonderful stories -- from last weekend's Soul Sisters retreat, along with a week spent dreaming/scheming/creating with a dear friend and creative cohort. I'm always sad to say goodbye to the Pacific Northwest, but always grateful for the beauty I soak up while I'm here. I'm going home with renewed energy and focus, and it feels delightful.
Whatever you do this weekend, may it be full of stories told, stories heard, and stories lived.
Join me for Write into the Heart of Your Story, November 10-24.
Writing the stories of your life is about more than recording a series of events, but how do you write beyond what happened and into the heart of a story? In this course, you'll learn techniques for diving into the beauty, meaning, and connections of the stories of your life. Registration for this two-week online course is $27.
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